Dr Jason Musyoka holds a Ph.D in Business Leadership and Masters in Development Studies. As The Frontline Group’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Musyoka provides strategic guidance for the company along with operational management of the company. He is responsible for most aspects of the company’s business development growth and strategy, liaising with prospective and actual clients, developing proposals, and proactively identifying development or business-related gaps that can be addressed by The Frontline Group’s array of services.
Dr. Musyoka is a distinguished researcher and business leader, with a skillset specifically focused on supporting large organizations (public and private) to improve their strategic planning. Following his career passion as a development economist, Dr Musyoka has managed socio-economic research projects on behalf of South Africa’s National Treasury, international organizations such as GIZ, International Organization for Migration (IOM), and managed multinational projects including health research covering the Inter-Governmental Authority (IGAD) in East Africa and West African Health Organization (the health organ of the Economic Community for West African States -ECOWAS).
Dr Musyoka has also managed research projects in South African mining companies and stakeholder engagement in the same (mining) sector. For over fifteen years, Dr Musyoka has worked extensively with district and local municipalities in South Africa, business incubators, agri-businesses, and manufacturing firms on ways in which they can optimise their impact on Local Economic Development, shape their growth strategies and operational plans. Finally, Dr Musyoka features prominently on print and visual media as a thought leader in Political Economy issues in South Africa and Africa.